D.o.A: The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle- Throbbing Gristle
1 out of 5.
Whenever I see an album that's listed as "influential" or "genre-defining" I've just come to assume that it's going to suck. This release from Throbbing Gristle, specifically ...proves my point right. I'm aware that I'm a very critical person- mostly because my ratings are based on "did I like it?" instead of "is it good?"
Kollaps- Einsterzende Neubaten
4 out of 5. Ok girl!
I’m going straight to the most unlistenable albums I’ve ever sat through. But honestly, I enjoyed it. I don't consider myself to be that big of an industrial fan since I only casually listen to... NIN, Skinny Puppy, and Snake River Conspiracy, so I’m a bit surprised that I did like this; same with experimental music, everyone tries too hard. This is just drills and sledgehammers being thrown around an empty airplane hangar. Kollaps most definitely deserves to be named the most influential industrial album, if not band, over Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, and Nitzer Ebb. The abandoned factory ambiance is close to essential for every industrial album and this encapsulates that perfectly, from the sound of U-Haft-Muzak identical to your upstairs neighbor doing jumping jacks, to the anger oozing from Tanz Debil and , to Schiess Euch Ins Blut and Gastabeiterdub that sound as if they were recorded on an active construstion site. My only critiques are the random seconds of silence at the end of some songs, and the half-assed last few songs at the end. Other than that, I fw this album but I really can't tell anyone about it.Yes to construction sites! Yes to jackhammers! Yes to brutalism! Posted 11/12/24.